Thursday, September 13, 2012

Shenanigans in the neighborhood

So I got bored the other day and decided to have some fun. I changed the name of my home WiFi to "FBI Sex Offender Surveillance" One of my neighbors seems like a pretty techy kinda guy and I figured he'd catch on. After all he proudly displays the Apple Logo on the bumper of his car, so that means he's smart right?? Well, did he ever catch on. This morning while leaving for work he comes running out violently waiving his arms like he's trying to defend himself from a swarm of killer bees. My first thought was, 'I should probably just run him over." But instead I rolled down my window just a little bit. He proceeds to tell me that we've got FBI surveillance in our area and I need to be careful. He also asked if I wanted to start a neighborhood watch group. I might have cause irreversible damage with this guy. 

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