Wednesday, April 25, 2018

3D Lashes

It had been awhile. This morning on the way in I’m passed by a car with all kinds of fun advertisement on the back window. It says, “Ask me about amazing 3D eyelashes.”

Well, I’ll be damned, I will do just that. After all she had so kindly placed her phone number on the back of her car. I figured this was just a good of way as any to occupy myself on the drive into work.

I dial the number, she picks up the phone and I hear, “Hi this is Jessica and I’d love to tell you about 3D lashes!” Holy shit, we’ve got a live on here.

Me: “Well good morning Jess, I’m sure you don’t mind if I call you Jess…anyway, I saw your ad and I was thinking that my life would really be more complete if I learned a little bit more about 3D lashes.”

Jess: “Ummmm, ok sure, yes I love the 3D lash product and I’d love nothing more than to tell you all about it’s greatness. Are you inquiring for your wife or significant other?”

Me: “Jess, let’s not get tripped up in the details just yet around who it’s for, why don’t you just tell me more about this product that you clearly seem very excited about?”

Jess: “Oh, yes, of course. May I ask whom I’m speaking with?”

Me: “Well, of course. My name is Richard, my friends call me Riche, but you may call me Dick for short.”

[That one clearly takes her off guard, but she pushes on with her pitch. I’m sure it was deeply engrained into her at the pyramid, brain washing session]
Jess: “Ok…….Well Dick the 3D lash product that I represent takes your normal lashes, or I guess the lashes of whomever this is for and uses a special polymer to enhance them…

Me: [I interject at this point] Slow down there a bit tonto. Tell me more about this polymer.

Jess: “What do you mean sir?”

Me: “What kind of polymer is it specifically? “

Jess: “I’m not sure I understand your question sir?”

Me: “Please call me Dick for short. I hear sir and I look for some military drill sergeant. I just want to know what type of polymer you use? Or is that some sort of secret ingredient?”

Jess: “Well Dick….[clearly frustrated at this point] I guess I don’t really know.”

Me: “Surely it’s published somewhere? I mean after all you’re expecting me to use this on my body without knowing what kind of polymer it really is?”

Jess: “I’m really sorry I guess I’m confused, I just don’t really know umm what that has to do with anything.”

Me: “Jess, let me tell you it makes all the difference in the world. The human body doesn’t react well to all polymers. If it’s a polymer with a polypropylene additive then I would not want that anyplace near my body, do you know what I mean Jess?”  

Jess: [Very long pause…] “Dick all I can really tell you is the product is well tested and it’s safe.”

Me: “Ok, good that’s a relief. Do you test on animals?”

Jess: “I’ve been told that after the product was deemed safe in the lab it was then tested on animals.”

Me: “I see, what kind of animals?”

Jess: “I’m not sure.”

Me: “I’m curious, if you tested an eyelash product on a cat I’d pay top dollar to see that shit!!” [doing all I can not to laugh now]

Jess: “I’m just not sure what it was tested on, if you have more specific questions I’d be happy to get in touch with my lash leader to get more info.”

Me: “I’m sorry did you just say, ‘lash leader?”

Jess: “Yes, I did.”

Me: “So is that like your boss?”

Jess: “Yes, it is.”

Me: “Yeah, I’d love to know more about the specific type of polymer, if it was tested on animals, if so I’d like to see pictures. Also, one other question, that I’m certain you can answer; your ad mentions that these lashes are 3D?”

Jess: “That is correct.”

Me: “How does that work, do I need to wear those special classes like I do at the movies to really be able to tell, because I think that’s really stupid. I have to pay extra for those movies, and why? Just for the stupid glasses. They could at least throw a guy a free popcorn or something for the trouble. Did you know that movie theatres have a 1400% profit margin on popcorn? That should be criminal. What’s your profit margin on these lashes by the way?”

Jess: [now she’s really shaken] “Sir…ugh I mean Dick. No, you do not have to wear special glasses. And I’m sorry I’m not really at liberty to discuss my profit margin. Did you have any other questions, or did you want to talk about getting you set up with some of the product?”

Me: “No Jess, I’m not at all interested in using your product. You just passed me on the highway and I was merely entertaining myself on the drive to work.”

Jess: [another long pause] “So you wasted all of this time just to jack with me?”

Me: “Yes! So how’s business?”

Jess hung up on me. Oh well, was a great way to pass a few minutes.