Monday, January 8, 2018

Not the Norm

Well, Happy New Year!
This will not be the norm for me. Sorry if you're hoping for a laugh or wanting to hear how I jacked with somebody who wasn't being nice; just stop reading now.

We've all seen the inspirational crap that so many like to repost on the book of faces to make us feel better about ourselves from the comfort of our keyboard, e.g. "Everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about so be kind, always." Fill one hand with that via the FB share button, and the other with hopes and prayers and well, you still don't have a ton to work with.

So, what's the point? Last month our family had returned to the same hotel we had stayed at almost exactly 1 year prior. What can I say, a creature of habit. Since the weather was 50 degrees warmer than what we had at home I took the opportunity to go for a run, just like I did the year prior.

The resort had a great running trail around a lake, lots of scenery, relaxing, blah blah! Last year I set off for my morning run to negate the beer and pizza from the evening prior. As I was running a year ago I ran past this lady, she was out there giving it hell, but it was very obvious she was struggling. As I finished my run she came in behind me sucking air harder than a terminal COPD patient. She flopped down on the bench right next to where I was standing and said, "I'm pretty sure I'm going to die...this is my first time ever running and I see why I've never really done it!" I told here, "Well, don't die. That would really make the resort look bad." She laughed. I then told her, "Well, congrats if this was your first run, you just beat your time from yesterday and set your new personal best." She smiled and was starting to breathe like a normal human again. She tells me,  "Well, that's easy for your to say, it doesn't look that hard for you." I responded with, "Lucky for me you didn't get to see me the first time I ran, it wasn't pretty." I went on to say, "Today you were faster than yesterday, and most importantly you're faster than every single person on the couch. The only person you should ever compete with is yourself. Keep up the good got this!" I offered the highest of high fives and went on my way.

I hadn't given that moment a second thought. All I did was repeat the same recycled lines people had told me. Fast-forward a year. I'm back, same time frame, same place. Once again I need to run off pizza and beer. I go out do my thing, enjoying a nice run around the water. As I finished a lady walks up to me and says, "Do you remember me?" Ok, mild freak out...I don't recognize this person. Have I pissed her off? Do I owe her money? Is this somebody I have wronged? Very cautiously I said, "No, I'm really sorry I guess I don't." She says, " You talked to me a year ago after we had ran, I told you I was going to die." It was coming together but very slowly...the story matched but this was NOT the same woman. She obviously picked up on my extreme confusion and said, "Sorry, I look a little different I've changed my hair color." Then it hit me. Hair color wasn't the only change, I was looking at a considerably smaller woman. I finally said, 'Oh hi! Yes, I'm sorry I didn't recognize you." She proceeds to tell me that since our encounter on her first run a year ago that she has ran 3-4 days a week ever since. She then tells me she's lost 78 pounds. She told me her first run a year ago was a last ditch effort. Right before her family had left for vacation she had been to the doctor, she was on blood pressure meds, cholesterol meds, she was suffering from a great deal of joint pain and her doctor told her if she didn't start to make instant lifestyle changes he would have to put her on insulin. She gave me a hug and told me thank you. I said, 'Thank you for what?" She tells me, "You have no idea how impactful your words were a year ago, it may not have meant much to you, but it was exactly what I needed to thank you!" She told me that since losing all of the weight she was able to avoid the insulin path. Then she told me she's also no longer on any of her meds and has virtually no joint pain anymore. She also told me her husband fells like he's got a whole new wife!

Okay, what's the point? Always offer up that high-five. You never know who needs it. This lady did it on her own, but I was so jacked for her success.