Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Can I borrow $20

Can I borrow $20?

In my new job I get random emails and shipments of textbooks from book publishers asking me to 'review' their text and consider possible inclusion into my program. This time of year its been pretty bad as we all select the texts for the next year. 
I'd finally had enough to simply ignoring their messages. I started replying asking them to remove me, still no luck. Well, late last week I did one better. I received an email from a book publisher that started with "Dear Friend..." No shit?!?! We're friends now??? I had no idea. I figured, what the hell, lets mess with this guy. I responded back with..."Why hello friend!! Times are tough can you spot me $20?" He actually responded..."I'm sorry I don't understand?" I went on to explain that he referred to me as a 'friend.' I told him I'd do almost anything for my friends and they'd do the same in return. So by that logic I felt it perfectly okay to ask him to loan me $20. In his response he told me he would not be able to loan me the $20. I told him I understood and if he could not spare the cash I could sure use his help putting a new roof on my house this weekend. It has been 4 days and he has not responded back to me. This might have worked. 

Merry Christmas All!!